A downloadable game

As the Mustela Migrants, you are a band of weasels that venture into the Woodland in search of food!  You score victory points by maintaining your clan’s food supply, which gets bolstered when you establish a new den by becoming a Squatter in a defenceless enemy building.  The reports of ample food attract new weasels to the Migrant Clearing, increasing your presence in the Woodland.

You gain a footing in the Woodland by becoming an Ally of other factions, allowing them to temporarily increase their military strength.  When the time is right, you can Reunite with your warriors to reestablish the Migrants presence in a clearing.

Your Vicious Bite gives you an extra hit in battle when you roll high in battle, regardless of how many warriors are in play.  But be careful: since you’d rather move into someone else’s home than build your own, you don’t score points for removing other faction’s buildings.

The Migrants are centered around sacrificing your board control (while boosting your enemy's) in order fill your food stockpiles.  Miscalculate, and you'll send another faction off to an easy victory.  Navigate it just right, and you will establish a new home for your voracious band!


Mustela Migrants - Full PNP.pdf 1 MB
Mustela Migrants - Faction Board.jpg 1.8 MB
Mustela Migrants - Faction Board Back.jpg 1.3 MB

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